The Caribbean Equality Project builds political power through civic engagement, voter registration, public education, and legislative advocacy. Annually, the organization registers eligible voters, coordinates political candidate forums, organizes voter education community events, and works with allied community partners to amplify Black and Brown Queer and Trans Caribbean voices in New York City. The organization fosters civic participation and promotes education to build collective political power for Afro and Indo-Caribbean LGBTQ+ immigrants and Caribbean-Americans at the neighborhood, city, State, and national levels.

"Mash-Up De Vote" is the Caribbean Equality Project's culturally-responsive non-partisan voter education political building power campaign. In 2023, the organization will continue organizing GOTV phone and text banking to mobilize Caribbean immigrants, Caribbean Americans, and LGBTQ+ people to VOTE. To encourage civic participation in the 2023 New York City primary and general elections, we will develop local voter guides, do digital outreach through social media, target door knocking, and conduct street canvassing in Caribbean-centric neighborhoods of Richmond Hill, Queens, Flatbush, Brooklyn, and Soundview, The Bronx.


The June 27 primary election will use Ranked Choice Voting for City Council. Other offices on the ballot, like District Attorney and judges, will not use Ranked Choice Voting since they are not city offices.

In primary and special elections for city offices, you can now rank up to five candidates in order of preference instead of choosing just one.

NYC 2023 Election Dates and Deadlines

Mon, June 12, 2023: Absentee ballot request deadline (online)
Deadline to request your absentee ballot online or by mail. Request your absentee ballot.

Sat, June 17, 2023: Voter Registration Deadline
We’ve partnered with Turbovote to make registration easy. Register to vote.

Sat, June 17, 2023: Deadline to update your address
If you move, you must notify the Board of Elections of your new address to vote in the primary election by this date.

Sat, June 17, 2023 - Sun, June 25, 2023: Early Voting
Vote early in person before Election Day! Find your early voting site and hours.

Mon, June 26, 2023: Absentee ballot request deadline (in person)
Deadline to request an absentee ballot in person. Find your borough Board of Elections office.

Tue, June 27, 2023: Primary Election Day
Polls are open 6 am-9 pm. Find your poll site.

Tue, June 27, 2023: Deadline to return your absentee ballot
Last day to postmark your absentee ballot or drop it off at a poll site. Find your poll site.

Tue, July 4, 2023: Deadline for Board of Elections to receive absentee ballots
The Board of Elections must receive your absentee ballot by this date. However, your ballot must be postmarked by June 27 to be valid.

The Caribbean Equality Project's civic engagement work is hyper-local in Caribbean-centric neighborhoods in NYC, such as Little Guyana in Richmond Hill, Queens, Little Caribbean in Flatbush, Brooklyn, and Castel Hill and Soundview in the Bronx. The organization leads and collaborates with community-based partners, faith-based institutions, and civic groups to organize direct actions to mobilize documented and undocumented LGBTQ+ community members and their families to engage with elected officials through town halls, community board meetings, and city and state hearings, regardless of their immigration status or voter eligibility.

Since 2016, all elections in which we have mobilized voter participation have become the most consequential election cycles in modern times. Voting is a constitutional right, one which we must ALL exercise with liberalism and equity, and it demonstrates our political power to elect progressive leaders. Leaders who will advance LGBTQ+ affirming legislation, end religious and racially discriminatory policies, and fight for equity for ALL, regardless of immigration status. As an LGBTQ+ and immigrant rights organization, we register eligible voters, coordinate political candidate forums, and work with allied community partners to amplify Black and Brown Queer and Trans Caribbean voices in New York City.

Community partners

To learn more about the Caribbean Equality Project & for regular updates on our work connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube at @CaribbeanEqualityProject, and Twitter at @CaribEquality.