Marcus Kissoon
Board Member, Caribbean Equality Project
Marcus Kissoon (he/him/his) is a dedicated advocate for gender and child justice. He is actively involved in the University of the West Indies (UWI) Break the Silence (BTS) action research and national campaign. Since 2008, he has collaborated with individuals and feminists, been a member of the Caribbean women's movement, and been a member of the Caribbean Equality Project (CEP) since its inception in 2015. He is the Caribbean Regional Representative on the CEP Board Member. His research and activist praxis focuses on Caribbean masculinities, homophobia, Indianness, and their implications for disclosure among male survivors of child sexual abuse. His other areas of expertise include child sexual exploitation, gender-based violence, sex work, HIV, and the development and practice of safeguarding policies. Marcus contributed to the 2021 independent investigation of child abuse in State and privately run homes. He was a member of the civil society national reference group in Trinidad and Tobago.
Marcus Kissoon holds a Master of Science in Gender and Development Studies from the University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, and a Master of Arts in Woman and Child Abuse Studies from London Metropolitan University, United Kingdom. Marcus Kissoon is a Ph.D. candidate in Interdisciplinary Childhood Studies at Rutgers University.
To learn more about the Caribbean Equality Project & for regular updates on our work, connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube at @CaribbeanEqualityProject, and Twitter at @CaribEquality.